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Code of Conduct

Both Corporate and Individual APR Members sign up to the APR's Professional Standards & Ethics Code.


  1. Members will behave with the utmost integrity and sensitivity when dealing with members of the public whilst conducting probate research.

  2. Members will not use any information uncovered for personal gain, and where a conflict of interest arises will disclose this.

  3. Members will present all probate research in a clear and concise manner in a written report with all sources accurately listed.

  4. Members will not pass off research work as their own, and give proper credit to those who supply the information.

  5. Fees and Charges – be clear and state all charges and fees upfront and in writing to the consumer.

  6. Members will allow for the beneficiary to have the right to cancel any agreement entered into within the 14 day period of signature.

  7. Members will take special care when dealing with vulnerable clients, particularly in regard to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Equality Act 2010,  when assessing whether a client has capacity to make a decision.

  8. Members will identify and report any members who breach this code.

All APR Corporate Members also sign up to a strict Code of Conduct, which can be viewed below. Any Corporate or Individual member found to be in breach of these rules may be excluded from the Association.

APR Corporate Member Code of Conduct

Paralegal Practising Certificate Rules

A small error can result in legal and financial penalties, and thus, research is best conducted or overseen by a professional.  Beneficiaries can feel safe in the knowledge that probate research companies, whose Case Managers are part of the APR, are adhering to all current legislation and taking the necessary further steps to protect the consumer.


Our Case Manager members are also a part of the Paralegal Register and are encouraged to apply for a Paralegal Practising Certificate, meaning that they are also regulated by the Professional Paralegal Register (PPR). The rules are determined by the PPR  and can be viewed above. The rules are subject to change from time to time and are independent from any other rules or standards set by the APR.

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